
Sunday, March 22, 2015


Motivational Quotes – A Happy Monday Morning Reminder #quotes

Spring is officially in the air! Well... kind of...since it snowed here on the first day of spring that doesn't really feel like the case but the weather since then has been fairly decent if not perfect. I can't believe tomorrow is Monday again which means that I technically have the day off but that I'm going to be using it as time to work on my second job.

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The weekend did start of slow since I closed at work on Friday but my friend from work recently went on a trip to Colorado and brought me back a dream box that I absolutely love! (I'm aware that the shape is not actually a box...but minor detail). It has a little note inside that says that there is a legend that says if you write down your biggest wish/desire and put it inside and hold it every morning and night and think about it happening then it will come true. I thought it was so sweet of her to get for me especially since she hears all of my dissatisfaction with my current work. I then spent the rest of the evening hanging out with my boyfriend and cat at home catching up on some of our favorite TV shows. We also found a new show that has potential:

I'm not giving anything away but basically this show is about this med student who gets turned into a zombie and no one in her life notices??? (I'm not sure how that works) But then she starts working at a morgue and eating the dead people's brains and kind of becomes a zombie detective because she can access the dead peoples memories after eating their brains. Okay, it sounds weird. But it's funny and has a really interesting twist on the whole zombie thing.

Since we hated the board game Guardians of Graxia that we purchased we tried out another game called Forbidden Island  on Saturday. And it was actually a lot of fun if not a tad simplistic. It reminded me a lot of the game Pandemic which we really like because it's a cooperative game where you play together against the board but it's actually pretty tough. We were actually able to win against the board when we played Forbidden Island so that was also a bonus.


We then decided that we should create our own "playing against the board" game but in a fantasy world setting. So Carson created some playing cards for us (above) and we have been trying to figure out the game play by playing again...and again...and again. It's only been a two days that we've been trying but it feels like it's taking forever. Obviously I'm all about the instant gratification but I think we have a really neat idea and I want to see it through.



After the board games we decided that it was time to take Sirius for a walk since it was such a nice day outside. He really hasn't been outside except for maybe two times during the winter when he hated it because there was snow and he was freezing so it was great for him to be able to explore a little. Bonus: when we were ready to go back in he lead the way to the door and then into the house and didn't try to run away.  IMG_1770

Sunday we had breakfast with my parents which was wonderful like always and then headed off to church. We actually ran into one of my best friends at the service which was a pleasant surprise since we both weren't aware that we were attending the same church due to it's size and multiple service times. After church we relaxed a little, cleaned up the apartment a little and watched some Prison Break (a pretty good show once you get past the first season). I had to go into work at 6 to close and then had a work meeting and got home around 10:30. Bed time!

Hope you had a great weekend and I can't wait to hear about it!

I'm linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending.



  1. How cute does Sirius look in those pictures!! Hope you have a great start to your week! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. Thanks Biana! He is a cutie pie and I'm sure I'll be posting more pictures of him soon. Hope you have a great week too!

  3. You walk your cat? How cool is that? We often wonder if our cats would enjoy that.... But, I'm certain they would figure out a way to break free of the collar.

  4. It's a nice way to expand our cats world beyond the 4 rooms of our place I think :) and there aren't any collars involved with the harness thank goodness but we did have to wait for him to get big enough so that it would for snugly enough for us to not be worried that he'd get out mid walk :)
