
Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday Favorites

With the help of #SMIRNOFFSorbet, I’m getting a fresh start in Spring 2014 by exploring all the places I want to go. It's my dream to get to Italy, Greece and Spain. I want a refreshing start to summer with a nice trip where I can learn and meet new people! #SmirnoffContestEntry #SmirnoffContestEntry

I've had a really productive week and can't believe it's Friday. But what's new? I'm really excited about the next few weeks because there are a lot of big things happening and I'm also hoping that warmer weather arrives soon.

1. Favorite Recipe


Carson and I made homemade crab pretzels last night for dinner. Due to a time constraint we decided to just do the crab dip part of it and put it on pre-made pretzels but in the future I'm excited to try out this super easy recipe. They were really delicious and got me in the mood for summer and crabs!

2. Favorite Kitten

This has been my life this week. Carson and I somehow got into this crazy schedule where we stay up until 3 or 4am and then he has to get up for work at 8am and I've been sleeping in since I've been closing at work. Today I set 5 alarms because I had to work at 9 and it was torture. Hopefully we have an early night tonight.

3. Favorite Show - Bones

The Season 10 premier was yesterday and I'm so happy it's back! Although I have to admit I teared up every time they mentioned Sweet's but I'm definitely excited to see the new season.

4. Favorite Song


While I am still frequently jamming out to Taylor Swift's Style I heard a new song that I am obsessed with this week: I Want You To Know by Zedd ft. Selena Gomez. I had the hardest time figuring out the name of this song because when I searched I assumed that the song was by Selena Gomez = wrong. Oops. But it's amazing.

5. Favorite Purchase

I recently purchased splurged on a pair of Ivanka Trump pumps and I am in love! They are so gorgeous although the suede sole kind of freaked me out at first because I was worried about how fast it would get dirty and require cleaning but I got some suede cleaner and it's been working okay so far.

What are you loving this week? Hope you have a great weekend and check back on Monday for the Weekending link up!

I'm linking up with Amanda and Biana for Friday Favorites.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


The title of this is probably deceiving because today I'm going to be writing about TEMPTATIONS treats! I actually had a bag of TEMPTATIONS treats (the ocean flavor) sitting in our kitty cabinet when I received a package from Influenster containing a bag of chicken flavored treats and a Snacky Mouse Toy.

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I was really excited to try this out with my cat because we actually rarely give him treats (which means we rarely actually purchase them) since I don't want to spoil him too much or make him overweight. Sirius, our 6 month old kitten that I'll probably write more in another post, loved the cat toy. It took him a few minutes to warm up to it but once he found out there were treats in there he was super excited. We only put 5 treats in there since the instructions say to feed 10-12 treats per every 10 lbs of cat. Since Sirius is roughly 6 lbs right now I only put 5 treats in the toy for him. He then proceeded to outsmart the toy (and I could have probably better adjusted the openings) and managed to get all of the treats out in a few swipes so we had to keep putting a few back so he could continue to have a good time. I will definitely be using this toy for a long time!


We already knew he liked the treats but it was good to find out that he liked another flavor also because I'm weird and I think that it's important to give my cat variety because he might get bored with the same flavor.

I'm so glad Influester sent me these complimentary products to review because if my kitty is happy then I'm happy too!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Motivational Quotes – A Happy Monday Morning Reminder #quotes

Spring is officially in the air! Well... kind of...since it snowed here on the first day of spring that doesn't really feel like the case but the weather since then has been fairly decent if not perfect. I can't believe tomorrow is Monday again which means that I technically have the day off but that I'm going to be using it as time to work on my second job.

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The weekend did start of slow since I closed at work on Friday but my friend from work recently went on a trip to Colorado and brought me back a dream box that I absolutely love! (I'm aware that the shape is not actually a box...but minor detail). It has a little note inside that says that there is a legend that says if you write down your biggest wish/desire and put it inside and hold it every morning and night and think about it happening then it will come true. I thought it was so sweet of her to get for me especially since she hears all of my dissatisfaction with my current work. I then spent the rest of the evening hanging out with my boyfriend and cat at home catching up on some of our favorite TV shows. We also found a new show that has potential:

I'm not giving anything away but basically this show is about this med student who gets turned into a zombie and no one in her life notices??? (I'm not sure how that works) But then she starts working at a morgue and eating the dead people's brains and kind of becomes a zombie detective because she can access the dead peoples memories after eating their brains. Okay, it sounds weird. But it's funny and has a really interesting twist on the whole zombie thing.

Since we hated the board game Guardians of Graxia that we purchased we tried out another game called Forbidden Island  on Saturday. And it was actually a lot of fun if not a tad simplistic. It reminded me a lot of the game Pandemic which we really like because it's a cooperative game where you play together against the board but it's actually pretty tough. We were actually able to win against the board when we played Forbidden Island so that was also a bonus.


We then decided that we should create our own "playing against the board" game but in a fantasy world setting. So Carson created some playing cards for us (above) and we have been trying to figure out the game play by playing again...and again...and again. It's only been a two days that we've been trying but it feels like it's taking forever. Obviously I'm all about the instant gratification but I think we have a really neat idea and I want to see it through.



After the board games we decided that it was time to take Sirius for a walk since it was such a nice day outside. He really hasn't been outside except for maybe two times during the winter when he hated it because there was snow and he was freezing so it was great for him to be able to explore a little. Bonus: when we were ready to go back in he lead the way to the door and then into the house and didn't try to run away.  IMG_1770

Sunday we had breakfast with my parents which was wonderful like always and then headed off to church. We actually ran into one of my best friends at the service which was a pleasant surprise since we both weren't aware that we were attending the same church due to it's size and multiple service times. After church we relaxed a little, cleaned up the apartment a little and watched some Prison Break (a pretty good show once you get past the first season). I had to go into work at 6 to close and then had a work meeting and got home around 10:30. Bed time!

Hope you had a great weekend and I can't wait to hear about it!

I'm linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending.


Thursday, March 19, 2015


I'm going to be joining Helen in Between for #7DaysHealthy. What this means is that I'm going to be adding healthy routines to my life every seven days. Every Friday (or possibly every other Friday) I'm going to let you know how I feel, if it worked, if I'll keep it up, and what the next challenge is going to be.

So for this past week (3/13-3/20) I challenged myself to drink 60 oz of water every day. I chose 60 oz because I know I should drink at least half of my body weight in oz. every day so I figured this was a good start. The ideal was to drink 20 in the morning, 20 in the afternoon and 20 in the evening - this didn't always turn out like I wanted but I fit it in however I could. Most days I actually ended up drinking around 75 oz which was great.

How I Felt: Certainly not thirsty haha I had to go to the bathroom a lot more - especially the nights when I drank most of the water in the evening. But in general I felt pretty great and less sluggish than I do on days when I consume almost no water.

How Hard Was It? For the most part it wasn't that difficult, especially if I started in the morning. One day it was 6pm and I hadn't drank any water so that was more of a struggle.

Any Changes? Just a general sense of well-being and extra energy as well as a boost in confidence that I can indeed be healthy.

Will I Keep It Up? I will - I think this is very important to my health.

The Next Challenge:

This next week I am going to be challenging myself to flossing twice a day. I have always been terrible at flossing and every time I have a dentist appointment I do a week of flossing and then forget about it again so I think this is another really good habit to work on.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

London 2014 {Part 1}


This past August I was able to take one of my dream vacations to London, England. The only thing I would ever change about this trip is the length of time we were there because while 10 days sounds like a large chunk of time it wasn't nearly enough to see and do everything we wanted. I guess that means we have to go back!


We arrived at Heathrow airport on the 18th and after taking a train to the metro we got Oyster cards and navigated to our first hotel. [We wanted to do a little bit of luxury and a little bit of money saving which is why we stayed in 3 different hotels]. It was just like our hotels in the states except a little bit smaller than we were used to. We ended up taking a nap falling asleep once we were settled and woke up around 8:30pm. We figured we should still make the most of it though and headed out into the street to see Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster and Westminster Abbey at night. We headed back to our hotel before the Underground closed and ended up stopping at a random kabob place for fish and chips (I know, weird but it was the only place that had it at 11:30pm and it was good!)


The next day was time for our Warner Bros Studio Tour! It took us almost two hours all together or riding the metro and then taking a bus (double decker!) to get there but soooo worth it. I'd recommend getting your tickets ahead of time, pretty much at the same time you buy your tickets to London. But be sure to check the date that you purchased your tickets for because we had a mini fiasco when it turned out that we went on Tuesday and our tickets were for Wednesday (the day that we had MegaBus tickets to go to Wales). I was about to have a meltdown worthy of all the children around me as my dreams were about to slip through my fingers...luckily we paid a small fee and we got to go in that day. And it was amazing. I was really disappointed with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida (although now that they've done an expansion it might be slightly better) but I was not disappointed with the Studio Tour. How could you be disappointed when you were literally seeing the props and sets and sometimes even allowed to touch them? This took most of the day but at night we decided to go to Piccadilly Circus, walk around and visit the Sherlock Holmes pub since we are big fans of the show.

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The following day we hopped on a MegaBus and headed to Cardiff, Wales for 2 days. We stayed in this budget hotel that was nice but tiny - literally the entire bathroom floor was the shower floor with a sink and a toilet thrown in and the way you turned on the electricity in the room was to put your key card in a reader on the wall. We spent these two days sightseeing which included: Cardiff Castle, Cardiff University and the Animal Wall.

Sadly all of these pictures are on Carson's laptop so I don't have access to them right now but I'll upload them when I do!

When we got back to London on the 22nd it was time to visit the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street where the Prime Minister Lives! It was awesome to see the castle, the guards and we even saw someone be let in through the gates. Sadly the queen was not there when we visited. The London Eye was pricey but worth it. The views of the city it gives are amazing - and I even managed to look most of the time despite my debilitating fear of heights.


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The first part of our trip was amazing and I'll let you know about the second part next week! What's been one of your most memorable trips?

Monday, March 16, 2015


What difference would it make in your life if you had an absolutely unshakable confidence in your ability to achieve anything you really put your mind to?

This weekend flew by - mostly because I was working so it didn't really feel like much of a weekend. But Monday has rolled around again and it's the start of another week already!

This past Friday I closed, so by the time I got home around10pm I was all about relaxing on the couch, catching up on some TV (The Blacklist anyone?) and reading a little bit. The Blacklist is a really great show - full of intrigue, mystery and action. I'm always excited for the next episode and sad if I have to wait more than a week.

Saturday morning was spent cleaning up the apartment a little, cuddling with the kitty and then heading off to work. I got off at 10pm and despite being exhausted I decided to make an appearance at a St.Patrick's Day party that my cousin's had invited us to. The party had started at 12pm so it was no surprise that there weren't a lot of coherent individuals there by the time we arrived. It was still nice to see everyone and of course a 10 minute drop by ended two hours later after 2 Irish Car Bombs, beer pong and a nerf gun war. I'm glad we were able to spend time with some of my cousins though because I'm realizing more and more that it's not just important to spend time with my immediate family - it's also important to spend time with all of your family because everyone's time is limited.

Sunday we managed to get to Church (I admit it, we were still bugs me that the service we attend starts at if rounding it up to 11 is unthinkable...) and also visited our friend Mary and picked up some groceries for the coming week. We drove into Baltimore to check out this Board Game store in Canton because Carson and I have been looking into games that we can play together. Sadly some of the games that we were really interested in were only 3 players and up which totally didn't meet our needs but we ended up getting a used board game for half the price called Guardians of Graxia. It was never opened and that should have tipped us off if the online reviews that said "Most complicated game ever" didn't. We attempted to play last night when we got home but didn't get very far so I think we're going to try again tonight but I don't know how much luck we're going to have figuring it out without someone who has already played it. I guess I hope we have better luck next time we buy a game!

After that semi-let down I was content to spend the rest of the night finishing the book that I am currently reading - Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code. Next up on my list is Divergent since I'm already a movie late jumping on that band wagon.

I'm linking up with B Loved Boston and Champagne and Suburbs for Weekending!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friday Favorites

I can't believe it's Friday already! This week was a mix of good times and really rough times. All I can say is that I'm so glad I'm giving my two weeks notice at my job next week and I'm excited to start my next journey. Some of my favorites this week were:

1. Favorite Quote:

look at anything with a little humor :) #MoveOn #positive #affirmation

I need to have more humor when it comes to things not going the way I planned.

2. Favorite Purchase:

My new Clarisonic Mia - I am loving it and so is my skin!

3. Favorite Show:

It's a tie between The Vampire Diaries

and The 100

4. Favorite Book:

I'm slowly not hating the main character and enjoying the funny dialogue as well as the interesting characters.

5. Favorite Youtuber:

Ingrid Nilsen


She just seems like an awesome person who I'd definitely be friends with.

What were some of your favorite things from this week? I'm linking up with Amanda for Friday Favorites!

Friday Favorites - Warmer Weather In Sight

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Puerto Rico 2015

Almost a month and a half ago I was soaking up the Puerto Rican sunshine in San Juan. This is an annual trip that my parents take with their friends and this was my first time back since 2010. It was even more special because this was the first year (of hopefully many) that I was able to share this experience with my boyfriend, Carson.

We stayed in the Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Beach Resort & Spa and it was absolutely wonderful. Just as amazing as I remembered it and it was such a good feeling to be back - the staff are wonderful and so is the entire resort.

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Of course the first thing we did was change into some non-winter clothes and headed to the beach! Puerto Rico 484

We then ended up taking a nap before dinner because travel is hard! After re-fuling we had some pre-dinner drinks at one of the resort bars and had dinner at a wonderful Asian restaurant located in the resort.

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Sushi is our favorite so it was a perfect dinner! The following day was full of relaxing by the ocean and the pool, reading, swimming, eating, and drinking. And the evening included a wonderful dinner at the Italian restaurant at the Resort and more good times with everyone.

The following day was full of (surprise!) beach and pool time! I actually ended up finishing two books and starting a third one on this trip which felt really great since I have a harder time finding time to read now.

The following day we rented a car and went to the El Yunque National Forest which is the only tropical rain forest in the U.S National Forest system which is super cool. It only took a short drive to get there and we spent about half of our time hiking and half of our time driving up the mountain that it is located on.

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And two of the best things: waterfalls and rain forest cats!

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When we rented the car the lady who take care of it all suggested that since we had to rent the car for 24 hours that we go into Old San Juan since we told her we were going to be boring and just stay in that night. So we thought about it, got a list of restaurants from the concierge that she recommended and tried to decide if we should go. It so happens that Carson worked with a guy who was actually from Puerto Rico and had suggested all of these different "must-dos" for us - it so happened that going to a restaurant called Marmalade was on the list and it was also on the list the concierge gave us. When we realized this we immediately called and made reservations for 8:30 - the only time they had available and off we went leaving our friends and family to watch the Super Bowl because we couldn't care less about football to be honest.

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Oh my goodness. This was the best food either of us has ever had in our entire lives. And not pictured is this white bean soup that our friend told us we had to get - and he was absolutely right, it was heavenly. The service was also amazing and we met some other couples there who were actually from the states too which was nice.

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We left the following day but not before having a delicious last breakfast and taking one last walk on the beach and gathering sand for our collection at home. I can't wait to go back and experience Puerto Rico again. Puerto Rico 1192

What are some of the places you want to visit next?